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What I eat, when I don’t know what to eat- Rye bread with coconut oil, avocado and tomato.

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You know those days when you’re hungry but don’t feel like eating anything that’s in your fridge or cupboard? Well, I had one of those days yesterday. To be honest I wasn’t in the mood for a bunch of cooking when lunching, and kind of just wanted to go and grab something fast. So I made myself a healthy “fast food” for lunch. Normally I don’t like the word fast food, as I associate the word with not prioritizing time to take care of yourself and make healthy food choices. But it did actually take me no time to prepare this delicious piece of roasted rye bread with coconut oil, avocado slices and tomato. I have always thought that avocado and tomato tastes wonderful together but combining it with a little bit of coconut oil and rye bread really takes it to a whole new level, so good!

I use coconut oil every day, it has endless health benefits such as cholesterol level maintenance, stress relief, boosted immune system, regulated metabolism, it reliefs kidney problems and heart diseases, regulates high blood pressure and helps improve dental quality and bone strength. It is also wonderful source of vitamin K and E. It has even been shown to prevent and cure candida( a disease caused from excessive and uncontrolled growth of yeast called Candida Albicans in the stomach) due to Capric Acid in coconut, which is a medium chain fatty acid that has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties.

I grew up with rye bread especially when I lived in Denmark and it has become one of my favorite breads! It has lots of fibers and healthy fats from grains and seeds, which makes it a healthy bread choice, and it tastes good wether you eat it fresh or roasted. Avocado is a great source of healthy fats, fibers, potassium and vitamin A, and tomatoes are full of vitamin A,C and K. So this is a perfect little meal for those in a rush or just lazy and hungry 😉


One piece of rye bread

A little bit of coconut oil on the bread

Half avocado 

Two pieces of tomatoes 

A little bit of salt

Roast the bread and spread some coconut oil on. Slice the tomatoes and avocado and place it on the bread top it with a bit of salt. And ready to go!

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